Make your move!!!


**Warning; Long Post**

So long story short, my roommate/friend has a new coworker that is staying at our apartment while he's waiting to get his house (got sort of kicked out of his parent's for a dumb reason and needed a place to stay other than his car) and we've been sort of, kind of, flirting with each other. Or trying to get something started, I guess. We both like each other, confirmed through friends, and it's his turn to make a move.

Since he's staying at our place in the meantime, specifically my room while I'm not staying there (just to make that clear) I left him my number all cute like on the bathroom mirror. In plain view where he can see it. ....... No. Messages. No. Calls.

I may or may not be going a little crazy waiting for him to text me. But I'm trying to keep my cool. I don't know what else to do. 😂😭😂

My roommate/friend/his coworker and I guess friend now invited him to lunch with us but he had to go to work in an hour and wasn't able to join us. We mentioned that we'd be going to the mall and HE WAS AT THE MALL WALKING OUT AS WE WALKED IN!!!

To me, that's no coincidence lol.

As he was saying bye, because he had to go to work, he ever so casually gently touched my shoulder and walked off. It's obvious to my/our friends that there's something there and idk why it seems to be taking so long for something to actually happen.

Again, maybe I'm just going crazy but I kind of just want things to actually just take off already because I honestly feel like whatever this is going on between us is/can be a great thing.

There's been all kinds of sneaking glances at each other and awkward but cute smiles and blah blah blah but that's all that's happened.

Kind of just needed to post this and get it off my chest, but I'll also gladly accept any friendly advice I can get at this point 😂😂