Argument with Father In Law 🙄

We were having a conversation about my uncle who used to box right? Keep in mind that this man I complete and utterly cocky. Military, star football player in high school, and Black belt right? Okay so we were just talking about how my uncle used to fight and how he was good and rarely ever lost a match. He proceeds to say “I’d just break his wrist.” And I’m sitting here like, “ Okaaaaaayyy.” I mean we’re literally just having a conversation that somehow turned violent, and him talking about how he beat up 200 men 🙄🙄🙄 like really! No one gives a damn. But I continue the conversation because he obviously likes to talk. Then out of nowhere he starts talking about you have to apply a physical fight to everyday life, and I wasn’t following. I mean I can agree that life is a MENTAL fight, but I don’t see how me being prepared to break someone’s jaw can somehow make me get further in life than the next person. I agree that you have to go into every situation exuding confidence, but you don’t necessarily have to get that from a PHYSICAL fight. I also understand that when you are in a physical fight, you do have to be in a mental state of mind that you apply to get the upper hand a PHYSICAL fight but I don’t agree with walking through life ready to just beat everyone up 🙄🙄 I don’t wanna live my life that way, and I won’t. I hate for someone to tell you what you have to do in order to reach your goals because that’s what they did. Fuck off. I’m not you.

Sorry just needed to rant.