Hidradenitis, Fibromyalgia, pain meds & pregnancy

I have been advised by my OB to stay on one of the pain medications (oxycodone) I have been long time prescribed from Pain Management as well as one new additional (Exalgo) to replace the other one I was on because its not as safe (fentanyl patches). I do have another serious pain related condition which is a major part of the reason for this unusual decision. From everything I have read most people give up their pain meds entirely or at least try to wean off of them during pregnancy. I cannot find anyone with my exact combination of diagnosis as my main condition is fairly rare (hidradenitis suppurativa, hurly stage III). I also have arthritis on top of everything else and was advised to stop injecting my weekly Humira prescription immediately (just after I found out I was pregnant), which I did, and unfortunately it caused my arthritis to flare the next week and has not subsided. I am only entering my 11th week of pregnancy and I think my symptoms (ie fatigue and nausea) are amplified due to my illnesses. There is absolutely no way I would make it through the pain without these medications. I have however lowered the amount of both the instant release and extended release quite significantly, this in itself has been traumatic on my body but is well worth it for baby. I am a high-risk patient in good hands and I trust them implicitly, but I really worry and feel guilty about even being pregnant at all with my poor health 😢 My doc says everything will be fine and baby is fine and that if baby does have symptoms of withdrawal I will be breastfeeding anyways so baby will slowly wean off them that way and not suffer, but even still I feel like the worst mother in the world for exposing my child to drugs even though I very much need them and couldn't possibly get through a pregnancy without them. Any advice from anyone who has been through a similar situation or knows of one?