Hypothyroidism: please read!


If you have Hypothyroidism be sure to get in and have your thyroid levels checked as soon as you know you’re pregnant, don’t wait until your 8 week appointment. If you don’t your chance of miscarriage is high but if you keep on top of it you should be fine. Be tested every 4 weeks the first half of pregnancy. With my first child I had to fight to get in right away but once my results came back my levels were so high I had to go from 112mcg of Levothyroxine to 150mcg within my first 5 weeks of being pregnant. If I hadn’t I’m sure I would have lost him by my 8 week appointment.

Suggested levels of TSH during pregnancy:

First Trimester, TSH 0.1 – 2.5 mIU/L

Second Trimester, TSH 0.2 – 3.0 mIU/L

Third Trimester, TSH 0.3 – 3.0 mIU/L

Personally, I always feel best when I’m around 1.0 but everyone is different.

I’m 6 weeks along with my second baby and already had to adjust my Levothyroxine levels from my 4 week blood draw right after I found out.

Not trying to scare anyone, just a PSA to help anyone else with Hypothyroidism hang on to their baby!!