UPDATE ‘Pregnancy of unknown location’ - Ectopic pregnancy


The month before I found out I conceived again I had a chemical pregnancy. Last week at 5 weeks I started spotting pink blood, this week at 6 weeks I started bleeding not enough to fill a pad but a significant amount.

I was referred to the EPU and had a internal ultrasound it couldn’t pick up the baby anywhere - blood work came back at 2750hcg today getting re tested in two days and now I’ve started cramping and bleeding again.

I’m absolutely gutted and hoping for some kind of miracle even though I’m pretty certain I’ve miscarried/am miscarrying or having an etopic pregnancy has anyone ever had a similar experience? I feel so empty and useless at the moment!


My HCG came back today and it doubled, ultrasound was repeated and baby is growing next to my ovary - currently having to make the heart breaking decision of having surgery or methotrexate. Any advice would be welcomed. My partner and I are devastated.