Friends with benefits??


So I’ve been talking to this guy since last November and we’ve really hit it off he’s super chill and what not, I’ve kinda always had feelings for him and I let him know that but he told me he’s not ready for a relationship he said friends with benefits is something he’s looking for and I was okay with that. So yes we hook up SOMETIMES but mostly he wants to hang out almost everyday doing normal things like I’ll help him with homework, we’ll get dinner, we’ll go out and do things, he’ll invited me places with his friends (which who I’ve met most of, as well as his mom!) he’ll always kiss me in public and kiss me on the forehead, he’ll cuddle with me when we hang out in his bed and watch movies and always tell me how beautiful I am, he’ll hold me when we’re in public and put his arm around me, and he’ll even tell me how I’m always there for him and that’d he’d choose me over any girl cuz there’s “no competition”. Last night we even went to a bonfire where pretty much everyone went as couples and I was the one he invited! Now tell me if I’m wrong but this is NOT what friends with benefits do in my opinion. If I was fwb I would strictly fuck and maybe hang once and a while but not everyday and not having him kiss up on me in public. I feel like he has feelings for me and just won’t admit it but maybe that’s just all in my head.. I could really use some advice cuz I do like him I just want him to feel the same way