Hi everyone!! Please read!!

Alexis • Mommy of 3.💖💝💙 Music fiend. Math lover. My outlet is the gym.

Hi everyone! So i got my period on the 11th and the first 3 days it was a medium to slight heavy flow but not heavy like normal... then the second half of the 3rd day it got light and the last 4 days were like this slight red but mainly brown and scanty . I have a 7 day period so normally I’m light on the 6th-7th day. Ever since the 4th day of my period I’ve had headaches and nausea.. today it was a lump in my throat feeling with nausea and then tonight i had a stabbing pain in my right ovary out of no where! It’s only the day after my LMP so i don’t think it’s ovulation . Has this happened to anyone?

Have you been pregnant ?

I’m getting a pack of tests from amazon tomorrow but I’m just curious!!