bleeding for over 6 weeks


i had started bleeding over 6 weeks ago and my Dr decided to put me on birth control to see if it would help stop the bleeding and maybe help regulate my period but I'm on my second pack and I'm still bleeding. sometimes I could go maybe 12 hrs without bleeding but then I have sex and boom I'm bleeding again and i don't notice it till after we get done so I actually started bleeding during sex and whatever is wrong with my body is interfering with my sex life and once I realize that I started bleeding again i get all depressed and feel bad cause I think my boyfriend thinks that I'm trying to get him to have sex with me while I'm on my period which I'm not. I can't control what my body and I just want to cry when we get done cause I feel embarrassed. does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? I've looked it up and the only thing showing is that it could possibly be pcos. please help I'm scared that might lose my boyfriend over this 😭😭