16 Weeks!


Hey Guys! I'm kinda've new to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>. I am Pregnant and I'm 15. I know that teen pregnancy is frowned upon so please no hate! I just thought I would update you guys when I get the chance to. I am 16 weeks today. As far as symptoms...this week I have had some back pain and mild headaches. I get tired pretty easily and my legs are starting to hurt. As for cravings...this week I have been craving HOT CHEETOS and SALAD. I know that thats kinda've odd but that's what happens when your pregnant 😂. Some things that I have really been loving are hot baths, water and reading. I have no idea if the reading part has to do with pregnancy but it's just what I've been feeling like lately 😂. I love lighting a candle and just laying in the bathtub with some bubbles and just relaxing. I've been using Exotic Coconut Bubble Bath from Bath and Body and it smells. soooo good. Here's my belly....

Sorry that its so close but I had to crop it so that you guys didn't see everything. I feel like I'm a little small for 16 weeks but I know that many people carry small. Please let me know if you guys wanna see more updates and please give me some feedback on what you think and if anything I said was abnormal for 16 weeks or anything like that. Thanks so much!