My birth story 👶🏽💙

Jessica • Together 8 years and got married 08-08-14. Expecting baby #1 !!
My water broke Saturday night around 9pm (May 30) and the hospital said to come in to be checked out, but got sent home (which I knew was going to happen) since my contractions hadn't started yet. They started that night around midnight and we went to the hospital around 6:30 Sunday morning when they were getting to be about 5 min apart. I somehow misunderstood when they asked me about an epidural, so I missed my opportunity to get one... I laboured with only the gas and some IV fentinal. I was pretty calm and collected the whole time till I was in "active labour" when my contractions were back to back and the drugs no longer helped. I was basically begging for it to stop, so horrible!! I was in active labor for around 4 hours and pushed for 2.5... By the time I was pushing my contractions werent lasting as long so it took longer for me to get him out. He was also facing the wrong way which didn't help... I ended up with second degree tears. 
 But out of all the pain I got this beautiful baby boy! Owen was 8.7lbs and 21.5 in long.