nauseated and increased amount of indigestion


So I have PCOS. since finding out I always wondered if I could conceive. we have only been trying a couple of months. I had my first and only period in years on October 25th. since then I havent had even a symptom of pms or pregnancy. Suddenly, the past two weeks have left me with gas, sudden nausea and sometimes vomiting, bloating as of today, and serious indegestion after nearly every meal. Then i took two pregnancy tests. There was some confusion. I thought there was a faint line but it wasn't confirmable. And I just finished my round of provera to induce a period. God knows I want this to mean something. Idc which one. If pregnancy then "Yes God." If period, "thank goodness we can try again and track ovulation." What does everyone think? Don't want to get my hopes up.The following is a picture of the first test which looked like faint line in some lights. thought i was making something appear that wasnt there