Huge nursing problem

So the past couple of weeks LO has been spitting up a lot, and projectile vomited once and vomited again another time. I was only nursing her and bottle feeding once in a while. So I noticed when I bottle fed her she wouldn't spit up and if she did it wasn't anything to be concerned over. So before going to the doctor I wanted to try to bottle feed her only to see if that would help her not vomit anymore and spit up so much. So it worked, apparently it only happens when I nurse her because I tried to nurse her again when I didn't have a bottle ready and right after the feed she vomited everything at least it looked like everything because it was a lot and I'm definitely not over exaggerating. I know my let down is sometimes fast but not always. But she always spits up when I nurse. Now I'm really feeling disconnected from her and really want the bond back from nursing her.