Should I call it off officially??

So I’ve been w/my bf for 2 1/2 Years now and he wasn’t loyal for a good year claiming that he “didn’t know” what he was doing was bad, & we’ve been in multiple rough patches and have broken up at least 2 solid times. I love him & so everything with him but at the same time I feel stuck. I feel like I’m holding him jack & I always have the worry that he’s gonna do things again even though he’s said he has “changed”. I don’t trust him he is still trying to earn my trust back but he’s also very controlling. I usually am not but he is my first bf & was my high school sweetheart, & idk if it’s just me but I feel like he changed me as a person and made me this controlling jealous girl that I never was. I’m very friendly and wanted to be friends and cops w all of his girl—-friends but they ended up flirting w him etc so it made me look completely stupid &a; now I don’t know what to do. I hare being jealous and controlling and having to worry about him all the time. Message me or comment your opinions, kinda want to vent the rest to someone.