Hi, I'm new here. :)

My last injection was January 2014. I was getting my period about every 75-80 days while on it and would last anywhere from 5-18 days. My last period on Depo was in March 2014. I didn't get my next injection when it was due cos we wanted to start TTC. Well my period finally returned at the start of march 2015. We have been TTC since and keep getting a bfn. I've heard from some people it can take up to 7 years to conceive after Depo, has anyone else heard this?
Since getting my period back my cycle has been 24-25 days and lasting about 4-5 days with a medium flow. This month I got it on the 26th day and it was completely different. More like spotting and only lasted 2 and a bit days and my nipples were extremely sensitive which doesn't normally happen.
I'm new to all this charting and stuff as I got pregnant straight a way with my son. I'm going to book in with my doctor in a few weeks and see if she can run any tests or anything.
How do I know if I'm even ovulating yet? What are the signs to look for? Thanks.