my husband is useless!!!


I mean seriously useless. our little girl will be 8 months old soon and he still has no clue what to do. I'm ebf but she is taking a sippy cup once in a while now. any time she cries he will pick her up and directly hand her to me. he hasn't even got up once during the night with her since she was born. looking forward to next month when he goes back to work. sorry needed to vent. edit* my baby wouldn't take a bottle at all. he has been off since she was born and goes back to work march 19th. he could get up and get her from the crib during the night. he has had lots of time to bond with her but has chose to watch me do everything with her. he complains about her being a mommy's girl. if I say I'm tired or fall asleep then he makes fun of me for it and says that I shouldn't be.