[Search 1st] Headaches: safe/nonsafe pills


I do not take medicine at all unless Im almost dying. I felt this horrible headache, I mean horrible. It lasted for hours & it wouldnt go away. I tried to sleep it off, I tried vapo rub (yes Im latina lol), I tried pressure points, I tried dark coffee, I tried heat/cold... & nothing. I needed pills to get rid of the pain it was insane however the SAFEST pills for pregnant women to take its TYLENOL which I didnt have nor I was able to get because of the time & location. I ended taking something someone drank for pain called BACLOFEN & after I researched it it said it was considered class c medication which means it might not be safe during pregnancy. I drank 2 of them & it took a while but the pain went away. I woke up the next day still with the headache lingering around my head, sick in my stomach & feeling terrible that I might have hurt my baby... the point is ladies please educate ur selfs before putting anything in ur body, u might harm ur baby & not know it.