Ideas for my 5 yr olds "hospital bag" ?


Ok so my daughter is feeling a little left out. Her twin brothers are coming probably next month and I've been packing hospital bags for us. She really wants her own bag and while she won't really NEED one, I feel like it would make her feel special if I surprised her with a small bag of things. Figured I'd pick up a few items tomorrow and surprise her with it after school. So now I need some ideas? I got her a new book today and she has a journal with a pen and her tablet and psp game. So what else would you think would be fun for a little girl? I just want her to be entertained and feel included. She is not going to want to leave me, she is 100% mamas girl and she has already expressed worry about us not being together at night time and what's going to happen to me. So she will probably be there a lot of the time. Anyway what's your ideas???