Looking for information


DH had his analysis and it came back normal. Low normal but in the normal range. So my ob did blood work to check me and everything with me is fine. She recommended a fertility specialist. Well today I realized that maybe his blood pressure meds were the reason it was low. So I researched and turns out one of them is a calcium channel blocker and in this research I discovered that it can effect his sperms ability to fertilize an egg. I’m just curious if anyone else maybe has had an issue with medications causing male factor issues and if so what was your approach. DH has been on this particular medication for going on 10 years. Any insights would be great. I don’t want to ask him to go through the process of getting it change to a different type if there is another way. I’m just confused. When I told DH about it he was like you tell me what you want to do and at this point I’m just not sure. I don’t want to set an appointment up just for them to tell us he just needs to change the meds.