It's a girl!! Advice for next ultrasound?


Finally after finding out that baby is a girl and having wanted my own little girl for as long as I can remember, I can finally say I'm starting to feel more excitement and connection. I'll be the first to admit I've struggled, this whole thing has felt like it wasn't real the whole time and I wasn't sure how I felt about it and how it was changing me and I'm still not completely out of the struggles, but finally I see some light at the end of this tunnel and I could not be more thankful for this beautiful baby girl inside me; you have no idea how much I wanted you or how much I love you. 😌

- also on another not, any one have any tips on how to get better ultrasound pictures and get baby to cooperate? I have to go back soon as they couldn't get everything they wanted during my scan and I just want to get a half decent picture. So jealous of all the women getting such clear great photos of their baby 😫