my last little princess

Kristin • 27 married army 2 girls ( 3 & 8 ) expecting our 3rd and final princess. recent miscarriage (04/24) we found out our rainbow is due 02/13/18 :)

here's my birth story!!

my honey and I agreed our 3rd child will be our last especially when we lost our 3rd angel back in April a week after announcing the pregnancy. a month later we found out we were expecting this sweet angel and agreed she will be our last.

so I was originally due 02-13 and I have been carrying low pretty much the whole pregnancy and we assume she would come early like her 2 big sisters did( 38 wks on the dot) but this angel wasn't quite ready. so we go past the date up to 02-17 when I noticed I was feeling quite off. and sure enough the time I agreed to play dolls with my youngest child my water ruptured. so we call l&d; and head to the hospital feeling ok but as soon as we got on the monitor they notice her heart rate was bouncing everywhere and my body would go from 118/77 to 139/85 so they got nervous and admitted me.

about an hour passes and they see I'm having contractions here and there but was still a 3 70% effaced so they put me on Pitocin ( blah it sucked ladies). funny thing in was on the lowest dose and I started to progress like crazy. they kept it going till I couldn't taken the pain and then I got the epidermal ( took them 3 times the catheter kept coming out it was rough but I chose the needle over the pain in was going through with contractions).

by the time in was finally getting numb I was a 8 getting close. about a few hours passed and I got checked around 7:30 and was 9.5cm ( like come on kid lol) so so getting close to 8 they asked me to cough and sure enough in was a 10 lmao. took 4 pushes and by 8:01 my sweet angel came smooth and easy ( 8.2 lbs and 21.25 inches long with lots of hair). so an hour or son passes and I'm being taken for surgery for my tubes tide but after the tubal was done I was diagnosed with gest pre eclampsia post partum. so I had to stay for 4 days total in the hospital.

I am relieved this was my last because in all honesty I don't know if I could put my self through it again. but mercy in over the moon with this sweet angel of mine and so is daddy and big sisters!!!