When did you know you were ready to have a baby?


I'm only 20 I've been with the love of my life for 3 years now. He's the greatest man I've ever known, always does whats right, very considerate and thoughtful. We recently just got our own house. I'm waiting for him to pop the question😁. A little about me on this subject is i have always wanted to be a mother, always, i want to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> and take care of something (I have 3 cats that i baby to death haha). When i was 18 i knew my health insurance was gonna end and I didnt have a stable job, i didnt have a stable place to live, and i was not gonna get pregnant on accident or have a baby when my boyfriend and I were not even ready, my child will not have the same childhood i had. So what i did was made an appointment to get the paragard iud, no side effects like weight gain, acne, hair loss, like I've experienced with other birthcontrols. ugh painful cramps though. Anywho ill be 28 when its time to change birth control. sometimes i just want to have one now. but I have some things i want to factor in and try and be smart about this. I know with working a full time job and going to an apprenticeship in the evening right now i will not have enough free time to spend with said child and so. Would we even be able to afford a baby? we can barely afford dinner for our selves. It'd be smart to wait till my apprenticeship is over and I can just work that one job and wait till I'm married. I want to be married a couple years before having a child , just because as some as anybody gets married they start a family asap. I just want years just husband and wife first. Plus I think about when the child is going to school id never be able to help with homework i couldn't even pass school myself because I was so far behind and had no help. I'm worried my child will have learning disabilities like me. my so is sooo smart. he's also the smartest person ive ever known. I want the child to be like him but there's still the chance itd be like me... also I'm vegetarian and I want to raise my child vegetarian but I'm so scared people will just go behind my back and give them meat anyways. veggie moms how do you do it? (no bashing or saying im gonna make them lack in vitamins and nutrients because that will not happen) so many people in my family are highly addicted to drugs and alcohol including my parents and brother. my so and I are straight edge so the child will never be around that. but im still so scared of it. how did you know you were ready? Did you wait for anything? were any thoughts and worries for nothing? the world's just such a scary place to bring people into. humans are destroying the world, so many animal/insect species are going extinct more and more. I want to raise a child with love and positivity and optimism. but it's just scary to think about bringing a human into this world. making life? is 28 too old to try and have a baby? all my friends have babies and my mom , mother in law and grandma want me to have a baby. I really want one but its more than being pregnant and delivering a baby. it's a baby growing into a child that has moods, and tantrums, and pubert, etc. please tell me other young ladies thought about this too or similar things they worried about when wanting kids. thank you for anyone who actually reads this long topic and answers.