7 Days Late

Okay so I'm 7 days late today and took this test right when I got up. I've taken test prior to this but they were negative. I keep looking at this one but I feel like I'm getting line eyes.. 😥 ladies if you could please help me out and tweak it for me that would be great. Thank you

****UPDATE**** 2/25

So I am now 9 days late and still no AF. I took a test this morning and feel like it still looks the same as the first one

I'm really anxious to find out if it's really true or not.

I guess I might have to wait till the month is over with to test again but we will see. Here is the other test that I ended up taking.

** UPDATE** 2/27

Well still no sign of AF and SO thinks it's do to stress.. I'm starting to believe him..

I just really want my rainbow baby so bad.. It's just hard not to think about things. I just have to keep my head up

just relax and know that everything will be okay