
Jovita • Mother of Two handsome young men!!! And baby #4 is now 5 he’s smart, ruff, and sweet as chocolate candy, Will surely give you cavities. Had miscarriage in Sept. Of 2014
I love church and love going.  By all means I need it. I'm no Saint. Just now that I'm pregnant and when I go I feel like I have to stand up and state the obvious as I know they can see now that I'm 29weeks and 5 days I'm pregnant. I'm not married and don't plan on being any time soon, but the father and I are partners. The pastor says lil hints during church and his wife looks at me like she wants me to tell her. I this time around didn't tell a lot of people just feel like when you see me you'll know. Besides I'm not asking you people for nothing so why should I have to tell you??? The most important person already knows and if he didn't want me to this blessing he wouldn't of blessed me with it. That's just how I feel.
I just wana know my Glow family's thoughts on it. Please be kind, but very Honest.