

I woke up feeling nauseous and lightheaded. I still went to school thinking it was nothing. During my 2nd period class I felt like I was going to faint. I couldn’t concentrate in there. I felt cold and warm at the same-time and would start shaking. I started to have really bad cramps that made me want to cry. 2nd period was when my period started. I tried so hard not to cry or faint in class. I couldn’t help but text my mom about it. She said my dad is going to pick me up from school. When he did I started to cry more because it hurt so much more sitting. My mom asked me if it was my period or if I’m getting the flu. I don’t know what is going on I think it’s my period. This never happened before. Right now I feel better because I’m in bed but I still have that sharp pain in my head. My mom said she going to take me to the doctors, but I’m scared. I’m scared because if it is just my period and there’s nothing big she going to yell at me.