Do you feel you are not taken seriously or treated differently based on your appearance?


For example. I am 24 years old, married, a mother to a little boy. I am always being told how small I am, and how I only look “16”. Which is sometimes a great compliment! But, I feel like 85% of the time, I am looked at as a “child” or looks down on as less knowledgeable. Another example: today I took someone in to the hospital (I work on the ambulance) and the nurse came up to me after me giving her report on my patient and said “yeah we were laughing at you at our front desk because you don’t even look old or big enough to be doing this job”, “how do you even lift people”, “how old are you anyways”, and some other comments. These are things I get all of the time, and it’s incredibly aggravating. Do you feel you are treated differently based on appearance? How do you go about shooting that down?

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