losing my mind 😑


I've been ttc for 3 years, for this past week I've been having weird dreams.

Monday: I was pregnant with twins poking out each side of my belly.

Tuesday: put a baby in the rocker close it and another baby appears when it's opened.

Wednesday: I took 6 pregnancy tests all were positive.

Thursday (last night): I was hanging out with my bf, a friend, and her man, I took a pregnancy test the test line showed up before the control line and I told my bf we were so happy then I woke up.

all of my tests in my dreams have been pink dye, the dream of the twins I could feel Everything, I wake up every morning with excitement of could this finally be it? I'm so tired of these dreams they make me sad and hurt. if anyone knows why I could be possibly be having these let me know please nothing on Google helps.

I have 5 days till AF. I've had dreams similar but not as often as I'm having them now and not as in-depth as I'm having them.

Am I losing my mind?