My Baby is Finally Home

Renee • Wife 💍, mother to one sweet and sassy 6 year old 🩷, FT bonus mom to a preteen 🩷, TTC baby # 3 after 🌈💙

After 34 long days, my daughter is finally home from NICU. It still seems like a dream. I keep thinking I’ll wake up tomorrow and she’ll be in the hospital. I can’t believe she’s finally home and sleeping right next to me in her bassinet.

This is the day I’ve been crying and praying for. I feel so blessed, so grateful. Yesterday was her original due date and today I feel like I gave birth to her all over again.

To all the NICU moms I pray you find strength in the Lord and that you get to take your baby home soon.

This was definitely a tough journey and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But I feel like I can make it, the storm is over now.