The weirdest thing happened to me!


So from the top, a few months ago I read a cute post about a woman who had been TTC and kept getting a BFN. Then she wrote a story about cutting a bell pepper and seeing a tiny bell pepper growing inside- she took a pregnancy test and got her BFP.

When I read it I thought, “what a cute story with a happy ending”. I saw other people post in the comments about having the same experience...

As for me, I am blessed with 2 babies- a 2 year old girl and 1 year old boy. Me and my husband have been trying for baby #3 since we want our kids to be relatively close in age. We have been TTC for about 7 months and every month I was getting let down and losing hope.

So fast forward to yesterday 2/23- I was making dinner and the recipe called for bell peppers. I went to Walmart and picked some up not even thinking about the post I had read, while chopping up my bell peppers I opened one to find a tiny growth inside! Then I remembered the story and was so dumbfounded and surprised I took a picture. Then I opened up another bell pepper with TWO growths inside, but i didn’t get a picture because at this point I was so excited I was jumping up and down. So I told my husband i have to take a test now, it must be a sign!

He went down the road and grabbed a digital test (I hate guessing with the vvvfl)

I took it at about 630pm (obviously not first morning urine)

And WELL guys- I got my BFP 💘☺️👶🏻

So if you stuck around till the end, that’s how a bell pepper predicted my pregnancy.

Baby dust to everyone TTC