Pissed! Am i over reacting?

kesha • Twin Mommy 3.14.20 Audri & 👼🏽Aubri(3.24.20) |1/04/14💏 |one furbaby|PCOS

Idk if its my hormones but my SO has pissed me off today! I prepared dinner because he said hed be finished with a job hes completing (handyman/construction) and here it is going on 6pm and hes still not finished and dinner is done im so aggrevated! I texted him saying "hes a slow fucking worker and need to have someone help him cause he moves like a old man!" Idgaf how he takes it because now i have to eat alone ! Then on top of that i lost my car awhile back so im still working on getting one and i didnt get to get my nails did today so im fucking 😡 he can kiss my ass im not giving him none tonight! And he can fix his own fucking food when he gets here!