
Nakiska • Nakiska Buchanan

I've been terrified since I found out I was pregnant. And no it was not planned my baby is 19 and my s/o and I have been together for 15 years and had never conceived so we figured we couldn't with that being the case we never gave it another thought. Anyway I was admitted to the hospital due to having chest pains and shortness of breath when they confirm pregnancy the doctor at the hospital really gave me a scare he said with my cardiomyopathy that it may be best if I terminate the pregnancy but I decided to hold everything off til I met with a cardiologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine. I met with my cardiologist yesterday and he said everything was fine because my EF had improved from 38% to over 50% which was considered recovered but everything should go fine he just want to keep a close eye on me. Now I'm feeling much better about the whole thing but still a little scared. Monday I have to meet with Maternal Fetal Medicine and see what their opinion is but either way it goes I'm going to have this little one if it's the Lord's will. Please me and my little one in your prayers. Thanks