To tell or not to tell??? 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️

Molly • 👨🏻‍🌾👩🏼‍🌾👦🏼🧒🏻🤰🏼

Hello!!! Okay everyone, what would you do?? So I’m 5 weeks and 3 days (yay!!) and only my husband and a couple best friends know that I’m pregnant. I have my 8 week scan on March 21st and my birthday is March 23rd! We were going to go to dinner with his parents on my birthday and tell them then and then we were going to go to topgolf (basically an indoor driving range where you can eat and drink) the next weekend on the 31st because my dad is an avid golf player and plays every day so we had a cute idea of while we’re playing I’ll hand my dad a golf ball and be like here dad use this one! And it will say ‘poppy’s newest golf buddy arriving _____’ then as he’s reading that I’ll give my mom a paci that has a cute note on it too and they’d be so surprised! BUTTTTT were going to their house tonight for dinner and i just don’t know if I can keep it a secret from them! They know weve been trying and will know I’m hiding something if I don’t drink a glass of wine with dinner like I always do and I’m really bad at lying and keeping my own secrets, it will show all over my face! So the question is.... do I go ahead and give them their presents tonight and just tell them? Or do I wait until we have an official due date and actual picture of little nug before I tell them? (Ps the reason we would have to wait until the end of March is because they will be out of town over my birthday) my husband votes to wait to tell but says it’s up to me and I don’t know what to do! Thank you for your advice!

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