

OK. So Im a ftm, and im 12 weeks. I had these really uncomfortable cramps for 2 days straight, so finally decided to go to the hospital to check on the baby. They did an ultrasound, and tested my urine. The doctor told me I was fine and it was just the baby growing. THEN, the nurse came in and told me I needed to follow up with my ob the next day. I asked her why and she said my baby's heart rate is VERY low. I asked her what it was and she absolutely refused to tell me and made me leave. My whole family and my husband and I got no sleep and worried all night long. I got up early and made an appointment with my ob. While at my appointment, my doctor told me that the nurse put down in my notes that the heartbeat was only 61 bpm! As I started crying, my doctor found the heartbeat, a healthy and strong 167 bpm! She called the hospital, and they said it was a TYPO, it was actually 161! The nurse lead me to believe I was losing my baby, while refusing to tell me what the heart rate even was. They didnt even call me to tell me. I am so relieved and mad at the same time!