
I had some implantational bleeding this last weekend (sat/sun). It was light pink, only when I wiped. I was 11-12 DPO then. I got my first positive (super faint) on saturday and my lines have gotten a little stronger since then. However, ever since, every once in awhile when I wipe, I still have some light spotting. I’m 15 DPO now and when I went to the restroom awhile ago, I had one dot of blood on the tp and when I wiped later, I had some light pink/brown spotting again. I haven’t been to see a doctor yet, but is this normal? I’m so scared of what it could turn into and really just need some reassurance. Also, to add: I’ve not had any cramping along with the spotting. And right now, it’s a light pink/red and only when I wipe. Not enough to warrant a liner/pad