Smh what do you think

March 1st will make me 7 weeks, so my boyfriend his kids and I just moved into a place together , so he got off at 5pm told me he would bring something for us to eat since we haven’t done any grocery shopping,right now his he only one who is working security and he does Uber, so I’ve been calling his phone since 6:33pm and no answer but I was so mad when he called back I didn’t pick up. Last time I ate was 3:10 pm and being pregnant for the first time I get hungry every 2 hours which is insane so waiting on him has my emotions over he top, my stomach is hurting having sharp pains he not answering no calls no text message nothing i don’t have money on my to at least order pizza but I’m pissed off to the point I don’t wanna sleep in the same room or same bed as his fcking ass cause it’s been feeling like he putting him and his money before me and his kids ( I’m the stepmom) so I’m not sure what do to I’ve eating all the snack we have here.