Tylenol #3?

Haylee • first time mommy • nursing student • runner • cat lover

So I had 2 molars extracted today with just local anesthetic due to massive decay brought on by my sweet little girl changing my hormones. It was suppose to be 3 but one of them was too infected to get numb, so I have to go back after a week of antibiotic. They prescribed 30/300 mg Tylenol #3 with codeine to take PRN. I wasn’t going to take it, but regular otc extra strength Tylenol wasn’t doing anything at all. This was expected. It’s traumatic removing adult teeth. So, I went ahead and took one of the narcotics. Now I’m sitting here pain free, but really worried about possible adverse affects on my baby girl. Can anyone tell me that it’ll be fine? Has anyone had to take Tylenol #3 for any reason at all during pregnancy?

By the way, I’m well into my second trimester (25&5 weeks) so I’m way into the “safe” zone.

Please ease my mind!!! 😢💔