Soooo that’s why it’s not working!


My husband and I have been TTC for 9 months now with no luck. I knew something didn’t feel right about it taking this long. But everyone told me to just keep trying, it’ll happen when it’s supposed to happen, and stop stressing out.

Finally after having a regular period after he and got married, it suddenly stopped. I missed AF for 10 weeks. This isn’t completely out of the ordinary for me, however I’ve never been good at tracking AF. The months leading up to our wedding for example I didn’t see AF for a very long time. I chalked it up to the stresses of planning a wedding. Like I said though up until we got married I really wasn’t paying attention to tracking.

I noticed that any OBK test I’ve taken comes out without the line getting as dark or darker then the control line. So I started worry that I’m not ovulating. I talked myself out of that since I was getting my period. I had to be ovulating right?

After seeing a doctor it’s all making sense now. After doing and ultrasound on my ovaries she found PCOS. Sooo I’m not necessarily ovulating. Meanwhile my husband had a SA with results coming back with 0% morphology. Double whammy for us.

My doctor has prescribed me Metformin and clomid. She has suggested I lose weight as well. (Signed up for weight watchers the other day). My husband will still need to see a urologist to continue his process in finding out how his results can be fixed.

Anyway, we are both all new to this and I guess I need some support as well as positive outcomes from people who’ve also experienced this. I’ve been very depressed since finding out. I’m supposed to have children! How could my body not allow me to?