
I have been having a decrease in my milk supply and my boyfriend knows how upset I’ve been about that and I’ve been pumping as much as I can after I feed my two month old baby. Every time I go to bed he thinks he’s doing me a favor by feeding our baby my pumped supply from the fridge instead of bringing him to me to nurse. I’ve asked and told him multiple times how this makes me upset and he needs to always bring him to me to feed so my milk can increase but he keeps doing the same thing and feeding him a bottle anyway. I’m really worried that my milk won’t increase because I don’t get much of a chance to pump unless my boyfriend is awake or not at work. Which when he’s not at work, he sleeps ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. I get maybe two hours to sleep and even eat because my baby is so colicky that he’ll only sleep on my chest and if I move him he wakes up and screams. Whenever I try to wake up my boyfriend to give me a break so I can sleep and eat and get things cleaned up around the apartment, he tells me to wake him up in an hour and he keeps extending the time each time I ask him for help. When he finally wakes up, he goes out to the living and holds our son but he has his eyes closed the entire time and I ask him if he’ll be able to stay awake enough to watch him but he tells me he can’t and that he just needs two more hours of sleep again. I usually give him at least 6 hours of sleep each day to sleep but it’s never enough sleep for him. Meanwhile, I’m always so exhausted and hungry and severely depressed. I’ve never been this depressed before. It’s so bad that I now have to take medication and it still isn’t helping me. Ugh I just don’t know what to do anymore.. I wish my boyfriend would help me out more so I could get things done around our apartment and so I can pump and eat. I’m sorry if I sound super whiny, I just need to rant and I don’t know where else to do it..