She’s here!


Oursweet baby girl has finally arrived! I am beyond in love with her. Here’s our story.

We arrived at the hospital on Sunday night at 5:30 for a scheduled induction on Monday, one day before our due date. They started the cervidil that night to soften the cervix, but at this point I hadn’t dilated at all.

By Monday morning, my cervix was thinning slightly, but I was barely only 1 cm dilated. Upon exam, doc said the baby’s hand was on her head. They started me on pitocin. Contractions started gradually and increased throughout the day, but nothing unbearable.

At 4, the doc examined me again. Her hand was still on her head. He said he could break my water, but might wait. He then tried to do a membrane sweep, but my water broke immediately. There was a LOT of fluid! Such a weird sensation too.

From there the contractions started to become more frequent and stronger. They were also mostly located in my back. I had an amazing doula and also a doula trainee who helped me so much, but by 9 p.m. I was ready for the epidural, which I received around 10 p.m.

After that I was so relaxed and able to get some good sleep for a bit. However the nurses did wake me up frequently during the night because they couldn’t find my contractions with the monitors. They were worried they had stopped altogether. Around 4 a.m. they started again, but I couldn’t feel them because of the epidural.

The doctor examined me again at 5 a.m. I was only 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. He said we could keep going if I wanted, but he recommended a c section. I was exhausted so I readily agreed. Once I agreed, everyone started moving at lightning speed.

I was prepped and taken to the OR with my husband by my side. He was crying with happiness before we even got in the OR. ❤️

A short time later at 6:02 a.m. on 2-27-18, our due date, Iris Cassandra Kelly was born. She weighed 7 lb., 15.4 oz. and was 19.5 in. long. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She has the chubbiest cheek that are so kissable!

She was also born with both clubbed feet from being a little cramped in the womb, but we are told this is completely treatable so we aren’t too worried. We just feel so blessed to have this girl in our life!