I am having the worst time of my life

I am having the worst time of my life and I have no idea where to turn to

Doctors can not find my baby in my uterus, but my gestational sac is growing as it should and they say my yolk sac looks good. I should be 8 weeks and the last 3 ultrasounds that I have had have had no baby could be found in it, but my first ultrasound did.

In my first ultrasound we had a little tiny baby with a little tiny heartbeat.

I'm trying to remain hopeful but I am scared and worried and I am trying to remain calm, and hopeful, but it's just hard.

This is my first pregnancy.

And I don't know what to expect but I don't know anyone else who has gone through this.

My hospital report says I have 'internal echoes', do you guys know what that means?