Relationship Strain SOS!!


I've been with my boyfriend for a year and 3months and we can't seem to agree or find resolution to this issue, so might be a long post. This weekend I told him I wanted to be with my girls to have a sleepover since I haven't hung out with them alone since I got into this relationship and he got so upset and petty. I legit got so damn pissed bc he made it into this whole issue of us not spending enough time together where I feel like we always see each other. Lemme tell you, he is the KING of pettiness it's not even funny.


To start he is the first boyfriend I've ever had and we're both 23 and live at our parents houses (we live one hour from each other). Ever since we started dating he did not like the idea of us only seeing each other weekends, but at the time I had school and no job so I was dependent on my parents so he agreed to the weekend deal. My parents are somewhat old school and I'm an only child so for them they don't like me always seeing him weekends (they want some weekends where he's not at my house). They say that we see each other too much, but my boyfriend totally disagrees and I also disagree with that also. But lately I feel that he constantly wants to see me during the week and to me it seems like he doesn't even want me to go back home and feels some type a way about it. I can understand his frustration about it, but I'll go into more detail. I just got a new job a month ago that is located closer to where he lives because we are planning to move in with each other by end of the year. I have not told my parents about me moving out end of the year yet b/c they won't approve of it and I know if I tell them they'd try to convince me or have WW3. Although now that I have this job and just started paying bills and showing my responsibility and independence to them, I plan to tell them once my probation period is over. I also told BF multiple times that I wasn't going to rush moving in b/c I wanted to pay off bills myself so that when I do move in I could be less stressed and have a lighter load since I want to split rent, utilities, and buy the furniture. So now that my work is closer to his house he expects me to be over his place more often, which isn't unreasonable. But for some reason I feel like I'm being guilted into it, he says that he wants to have an adult relationship with me but it's more like a teen one where I follow my parents say-so. But I've told him that since I currently live with them I gotta follow their rules, which is why I wanna pay my own bills so that I can make my decisions w/out my parents issues.

So I've seen him every.single.weekend and even have spend a few days in the week to stay at his place so we can be together and I go to work in the day. But eventually I gotta go home, because I want to see my parents since I haven't moved out yet and want to be with them also. But to him it's like I don't want to see him or I chose my parents over him or that I don't understand, which in a sense I don't fully understand b/c to me I feel like I'm not in the wrong.

I feel like I'm being trapped in a corner and that I have to give up things that I honestly do not wish to do. I've done things in the past where I chose to be with him instead of someone else or go somewhere else. I need advice desperately guys. =(