Initiating sex

Hey this has been something that has eaten away at me for years and years. I have the hardest time initiating sex. I don’t know if it’s a confidence thing or I’m afraid of rejection or what. My husband is the most supportive and amazing human I have ever known. He’s so honest and there’s never been any reason not to trust him. We are very open with each other. He has said to me previously that sometimes he feels that I’m not sexually attracted to him because I never initiate sex. Mind you, we have sex frequently and it’s always great sex. It isn’t really a matter of my sex drive, I just can’t for the life of me be the one to initiate sex and I hate it. I feel so guilty about it. In relationships before him, I never had this issue. In fact, in my relationship immediately before my husband it was mentioned that one of his (my ex) favorite things about me was that I initiated sex...I’m assuming his previous girlfriends didn’t lol. This relationship ended badly...he cheated on me multiple times and damaged my trust and my self esteem. That relationship was six years ago! And I still for whatever reason just can’t get up the courage to be vulnerable with my husband 😔 have any of you ladies experienced this? Or going through this? What has helped you?