For ttc!!


Let me start of with alittle back story; me and my so have been trying for a year with no luck and no answers why. Esp since we have a 4 year old. So before breaking down and trying fertility meds i decided to try one more thing. Vitamins. After many hours of research i came upon a vitamin called fertility blend from gnc for men and women around 30$ for a months supply. Its to help naturally regulate your hormones to help you ovulate and for the men help there sperm. I got the clearblue ovulation test with it. Before i started taking the vitamins i decided to take a ovulation test just for my own fun to see if i could see a difference. The test on top is the first one i took yesterday. Today i start off by taking just one vitamin (it says to take 3 spaced out in a day) to first see how my body reacts. I took it with my breakfast before me and my so went to run errands. After we get home i had to pee bad so i decided to test (test on the bottom) according to my <a href="">glow app</a> i still have another day or two til my "fertile" week starts. The line is alot more visible (and its hard for me to get lines to look like that) Now im not saying it was all the vitamin but if you are ttc i strongly suggest fertility blend. Ive even noticed my mood has been ALOT more relaxed as well. Gonna keep testing to hope i get my :) face *line is alot more noticable in person, have horrible bathroom lighting