Opinions ladies ? 🤔


Btw We are 14 months TTC & I have PCOS.

So I saw my RE yesterday and they wanted to start me on Clomid but told me to wait until my period came to do an ultrasound to make sure my follicles arent too big, then start Clomid + Trigger shot.

Now I opted for Timed Intercourse instead of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> but just wondering what experiences others had with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> & Clomid ?? Did anyone get pregnant the first cycle ??

Anyways, the nurse thought my period wouldn’t come for 2 more wks because my lining was so thin, but guess what I STARTED TODAY!! that means Clomid within a week, & Trigger shot. I need all the baby dust I can this month... my birthday is March 14th & this is the same day I’m suppose to ovulate.

Getting a BFP would be the best 25th birthday present ever!!! Wish me luck ladies and PLEASE tell me your experiences with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. 😊😊😊