Private Ultrasound was so worth it!!

Jessie • 🇨🇦 born, living in 🇺🇸

So I had a poll asking if I should go for a private ultrasound as I was disappointed in the ones given at my doctors office. Well I can say it was $50 well spent! We got 10 beautiful pictures, a CD and since baby wouldn't cooperate for gender we get to go back in two weeks FOR FREE!

The cool thing about not seeing the gender was they gave me apple juice to see if that would help and when the baby flipped sides I felt it!! Now I know that I've been feeling movement for a week or so and wasn't sure yet!! I'm over the moon excited

My last ultrasound at our doctors looked like a blob (yes it was earlier but it looked nothing like the other 12 week scans I saw posted here!):

and these are amazing:

We got to actually enjoy and watch our baby for a good 15 mins it was great

I highly recommend it.