

My husband and I both agree no baby anytime soon (4 year old and an 8 month old) but he always mentions he'd love to have another. My last pregnancy the pressure throughout, the labor, and the healing (emergency DC for retained placenta) was awful. Then fast forward my baby legit cried all day and night until 6 months and now he is just fussy and never sleeps at night. We're up every 1-2 hours at night. I breastfeed too. I would feel content with just the two boys because I plan my future so badly I don't want to mess anything up financially and emotionally. I hate feeling this way because I don't know if I truely am done or me having another would "mess up my plans" getting in the way. Just venting on here. We both are very stable career wise, and were all healthy, etc. not asking any questions just venting ha 🤪🙃