Reflux + Cow Milks Allergy= Exhausted Momma

Jandra • 🤞🏼👶🏼💕

Beginning Rant Now:

If I say motherhood has been easy, super enjoyable, and just pure happiness I would be lying . This has been the toughest and most stressful 3 months of my life . Don’t get me wrong I love my daughter sooooo much, but I can’t stand how much pain she is in and everything she goes through. My beautiful princess is 3 months today and even though it’s a beautiful milestone , I can’t believe that this has been going on for so long and still no remedy. Annalis has a severe cow milks allergy, bad acid reflux, and trouble passing gas. I every day have to deal with screaming bloody murder every 3 hours , spit up 3-4 times after feeding, constant formula changes, medication dosage changes, not being able to burp her because she gets stiff from the pain, gas pains and being unable to pass gas, choking episodes, adding cereal to her milk, gas drops, grunting and waking up at night because of the acid, and wanting to be held at all times because otherwise it comes back up. I am going crazy tbh and I don’t know what to do. Her first pediatrician literally just kept on saying that it was normal and it took her 6 weeks to prescribe her anything for reflux. Her new pediatrician referred her to a GI specialist, changed her formula to Elecare, and upped her dosage amount of Ranitidine. I am literally so stressed that clumps of hair are falling out and I’m having anxiety attacks. I just want her to feel better. Is that too much to ask for ☹️....

Anyone have a success story with reflux??

Rant over..

3 months today and with a cold ☹️😭

My baby when she feels happy ♥️

All my hair falling out