Early pregnancy symptoms


Ok so im so confused and angry at my body... I ovulated late but also missed a 2 days during my glow fertile window testing.. ( out of town) and forgot my opk’s😩... Anyways I kept testing when I came back and not until the 24th did I get my LH surge.. which is weird because I got my AF 2-1 / 2-6.. and fertile window was a week after.. so valentine’s week... Now I have crazy heart burn and I burp a lot also my hair is somewhat coming out which never happens to me.. Is it possible I could’ve ovulated early and missed it? I also heard there’s more than 1 surge through out your month ??? Or hormone imbalance something like that.. My period would’ve been here today but nothing and no symptoms of AF... Should I test?? Or wait until the 13th of march to test in case I did ovulate late? HELP😭