Baby sprinkle?


I’m starting to think ahead to a baby shower for #2. It’s another boy so we kind of have a lot of what we will need. I guess I’m looking to see what is appropriate to put on a registry when you’re expecting a second baby of the same sex.

I was thinking we need:

A car seat

A double stroller

Diapers & wipes

A new humidifier. I swear I can’t keep those things clean to save my life.

A rock n play maybe?

I’m not sure about clothes. Our first grew really slowly and was a Jan baby so the seasons will be very different and I had a ton of clothes saved up!

Anything else I missed? I just don’t want to seem like I’m asking for a ton of stuff and I know that the things we do need are more expensive since we already have the cheaper items from our first baby.

Do people even do sprinkles?? 🤷🏼‍♀️