Is their any way they could of missed a twin?

I am 24 weeks pregnant and I look like I’m 32+ weeks pregnant. With my first I didnt carry like these or feel this way. I swore since day one that I was having twins. But they never seen anything on my ultrasounds till 18 weeks when we seen a hand in the background that didn’t belong to the baby in the picture the hand in the background had perfect 5 fingers we joked about it for the longest time. But I swear they are missing something my gut is saying so. Maybe I’m crazy. I started showing very early on everyone swore I was having twins, and now at 24 weeks I keep getting told your having twins right nope just one I think. Except today we felt two different lumps in my belly one on my left and one on my right. But when we filled them down they were individuals. My stomach is so crowded and I feel the baby in my ribs but also in my lower stomach all over it feels like I have multiple in their I never had this with my daughter. I feel like my stomach is ripping apart because of how big I am already could they of missed a twin?