Wanting a baby so bad but for whatever reason can't

$J@ymillz$ • Living my life like it`s Golden, staying blessed, and doing Jehovah`s will

Ladies, does it bother you and hurt you when you see women who have abortions just because they don't want the baby( rape victims and people with health issues who can't carry I'm not talking about) but for those who don't protect themselves or use birth control and end up pregnant go to the abortion room.

How do you feel as a woman who really want to have a baby,but can't, and I know you'll be a great mother, will do anything to take care of the baby, how does that make you feel, that they have a gift that they don't want?

I have two beautiful boys, never once did I ever think about abortion, yes one caught me by surprise, but guess what, I took care of my responsibility, abortion will never be an option for me I know I can't speak for everyone else but I know there's some women who know what I'm talking about,

I wouldn't trade my kids for anything in the world, I actually want more, even if it's not the time I expected I'm still keeping the baby,

If you have sex its a possibility of one or two things, pregnancy or STD

Babies are precious and life is a gift